Source code for pvl.token

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright 2019-2020, ``pvl`` library authors.
# Reuse is permitted under the terms of the license.
# The AUTHORS file and the LICENSE file are at the
# top level of this library.

from .decoder import PVLDecoder
from .grammar import PVLGrammar

[docs]class Token(str): """A PVL-aware string. :var content: A string that is the Token text. :var grammar: A pvl.grammar object, if None or not specified, it will be set to the grammar parameter of *decoder* (if *decoder* is not None) or will default to PVLGrammar(). :var decoder: A pvl.decoder object, defaults to PVLDecoder(grammar=*grammar*). :var pos: Integer that describes the starting position of this Token in the source string, defaults to zero. """ def __new__(cls, content, grammar=None, decoder=None, pos=0): return str.__new__(cls, content) def __init__(self, content, grammar=None, decoder=None, pos=0): if grammar is None: if decoder is not None: self.grammar = decoder.grammar else: self.grammar = PVLGrammar() elif isinstance(grammar, PVLGrammar): self.grammar = grammar else: raise TypeError("The grammar object is not of type PVLGrammar.") if decoder is None: self.decoder = PVLDecoder(grammar=self.grammar) elif isinstance(decoder, PVLDecoder): self.decoder = decoder else: raise TypeError("The decoder object is not of type PVLDecoder.") self.pos = pos def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}('{self}', " f"'{self.grammar}')" def __index__(self): if self.is_decimal(): try: return self.decoder.decode_non_decimal(str(self)) except ValueError: if int(str(self)) == float(str(self)): return int(str(self)) raise ValueError(f"The {self:r} cannot be used as an index.") def __float__(self): return float(self.decoder.decode_decimal(str(self)))
[docs] def split(self, sep=None, maxsplit=-1) -> list: """Extends ``str.split()`` that calling split() on a Token returns a list of Tokens. """ str_list = super().split(sep, maxsplit) tkn_list = list() for t in str_list: tkn_list.append( Token(t, grammar=self.grammar, decoder=self.decoder) ) return tkn_list
[docs] def replace(self, *args): """Extends ``str.replace()`` to return a Token.""" return Token( super().replace(*args), grammar=self.grammar, decoder=self.decoder )
[docs] def lstrip(self, chars=None): """Extends ``str.lstrip()`` to strip whitespace according to the definition of whitespace in the Token's grammar instead of the default Python whitespace definition. """ return self._strip(super().lstrip, chars)
[docs] def rstrip(self, chars=None): """Extends ``str.rstrip()`` to strip whitespace according to the definition of whitespace in the Token's grammar instead of the default Python whitespace definition. """ return self._strip(super().rstrip, chars)
[docs] def strip(self, chars=None): """Extends ``str.strip()`` to strip whitespace according to the definition of whitespace in the Token's grammar instead of the default Python whitespace definition. """ return self._strip(super().strip, chars)
def _strip(self, strip_func, chars=None): # Shared functionality for the various strip functions. if chars is None: chars = "".join(self.grammar.whitespace) return Token( strip_func(chars), grammar=self.grammar, decoder=self.decoder )
[docs] def isspace(self) -> bool: """Overrides ``str.isspace()`` to be the same as Token's is_space() function, so that we don't get inconsisent behavior if someone forgets an underbar. """ # So that we don't get inconsisent behavior # if someone forgets an underbar. return self.is_space()
[docs] def is_space(self) -> bool: """Return true if the Token contains whitespace according to the definition of whitespace in the Token's grammar and there is at least one character, false otherwise. """ if len(self) == 0: return False return all(c in self.grammar.whitespace for c in self)
[docs] def is_WSC(self) -> bool: """Return true if the Token is white space characters or comments according to the Token's grammar, false otherwise. """ if self.is_comment(): return True if self.is_space(): return True for ws in reversed(self.grammar.whitespace): temp = self.replace(ws, " ") return all(t.is_comment() for t in temp.split())
[docs] def is_comment(self) -> bool: """Return true if the Token is a comment according to the Token's grammar (defined as beginning and ending with comment delimieters), false otherwise. """ for pair in self.grammar.comments: if self.startswith(pair[0]) and self.endswith(pair[1]): return True return False
[docs] def is_quote(self) -> bool: """Return true if the Token is a quote character according to the Token's grammar, false otherwise. """ if self in self.grammar.quotes: return True else: return False
[docs] def is_quoted_string(self) -> bool: """Return true if the Token can be converted to a quoted string by the Token's decoder, false otherwise. """ try: self.decoder.decode_quoted_string(self) return True except ValueError: return False
[docs] def is_delimiter(self) -> bool: """Return true if the Token is a delimiter character (e.g. the ';' in PVL) according to the Token's grammar, false otherwise. """ if self in self.grammar.delimiters: return True return False
[docs] def is_begin_aggregation(self) -> bool: """Return true if the Token is a begin aggregation keyword (e.g. 'BEGIN_GROUP' in PVL) according to the Token's grammar, false otherwise. """ for k in self.grammar.aggregation_keywords.keys(): if self.casefold() == k.casefold(): return True return False
[docs] def is_unquoted_string(self) -> bool: """Return false if the Token has any reserved characters, comment characters, whitespace characters or could be interpreted as a number, date, or time according to the Token's grammar, true otherwise. """ for char in self.grammar.reserved_characters: if char in self: return False for pair in self.grammar.comments: if pair[0] in self: return False if pair[1] in self: return False if self.is_numeric() or self.is_datetime(): return False for char in self.grammar.whitespace: if char in self: return False return True
[docs] def is_string(self) -> bool: """Return true if either the Token's is_quoted_string() or is_unquoted_string() return true, false otherwise. """ if self.is_quoted_string() or self.is_unquoted_string(): return True return False
[docs] def is_parameter_name(self) -> bool: """Return true if the Token is an unquoted string that isn't a reserved_keyword according to the Token's grammar, false otherwise. """ for word in self.grammar.reserved_keywords: if word.casefold() == self.casefold(): return False return self.is_unquoted_string()
[docs] def is_end_statement(self) -> bool: """Return true if the Token matches an end statement from its grammar, false otherwise. """ for e in self.grammar.end_statements: if e.casefold() == self.casefold(): return True return False
[docs] def isnumeric(self) -> bool: """Overrides ``str.isnumeric()`` to be the same as Token's is_numeric() function, so that we don't get inconsisent behavior if someone forgets an underbar. """ return self.is_numeric()
[docs] def is_numeric(self) -> bool: """Return true if the Token's is_decimal() or is_non_decimal() functions return true, false otherwise. """ if self.is_decimal() or self.is_non_decimal(): return True return False
[docs] def is_decimal(self) -> bool: """Return true if the Token's decoder can convert the Token to a decimal value, false otherwise. """ try: self.decoder.decode_decimal(self) return True except ValueError: return False
[docs] def is_non_decimal(self) -> bool: """Return true if the Token's decoder can convert the Token to a numeric non-decimal value, false otherwise. """ try: self.decoder.decode_non_decimal(self) return True except ValueError: return False
# Took these out, since some grammars allow a much wider # range of radix values. # # def is_binary(self) -> bool: # if self.grammar.binary_re.fullmatch(self) is None: # return False # else: # return True # def is_octal(self) -> bool: # if self.grammar.octal_re.fullmatch(self) is None: # return False # else: # return True # def is_hex(self) -> bool: # if self.grammar.hex_re.fullmatch(self) is None: # return False # else: # return True
[docs] def is_datetime(self) -> bool: """Return true if the Token's decoder can convert the Token to a datetime, false otherwise. Separate is_date() or is_time() functions aren't needed, since PVL parsing doesn't distinguish between them. If a user needs that distinction the decoder's decode_datetime(self) function should return a datetime time, date, or datetime object, as appropriate, and a user can use isinstance() to check. """ try: self.decoder.decode_datetime(self) return True except ValueError: return False
[docs] def is_simple_value(self) -> bool: """Return true if the Token's decoder can convert the Token to a 'simple value', however the decoder defines that, false otherwise. """ try: self.decoder.decode_simple_value(self) return True except ValueError: return False