Source code for pvl.encoder

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Parameter Value Langage encoder.

An encoder deals with converting Python objects into
string values that conform to a PVL specification.

# Copyright 2015, 2019-2021, ``pvl`` library authors.
# Reuse is permitted under the terms of the license.
# The AUTHORS file and the LICENSE file are at the
# top level of this library.

import datetime
import re
import textwrap

from collections import abc, namedtuple
from decimal import Decimal
from warnings import warn

from .collections import PVLObject, PVLGroup, Quantity
from .grammar import PVLGrammar, ODLGrammar, PDSGrammar, ISISGrammar
from .token import Token
from .decoder import PVLDecoder, ODLDecoder, PDSLabelDecoder

[docs]class QuantTup(namedtuple("QuantTup", ["cls", "value_prop", "units_prop"])): """ This class is just a convenient namedtuple for internally keeping track of quantity classes that encoders can deal with. In general, users should not be instantiating this, instead use your encoder's add_quantity_cls() function. """
[docs]class PVLEncoder(object): """An encoder based on the rules in the CCSDS-641.0-B-2 'Blue Book' which defines the PVL language. :param grammar: A pvl.grammar object, if None or not specified, it will be set to the grammar parameter of *decoder* (if *decoder* is not None) or will default to PVLGrammar(). :param grammar: defaults to pvl.grammar.PVLGrammar(). :param decoder: defaults to pvl.decoder.PVLDecoder(). :param indent: specifies the number of spaces that will be used to indent each level of the PVL document, when Groups or Objects are encountered, defaults to 2. :param width: specifies the number of characters in width that each line should have, defaults to 80. :param aggregation_end: when True the encoder will print the value of the aggregation's Block Name in the End Aggregation Statement (e.g. END_GROUP = foo), and when false, it won't (e.g. END_GROUP). Defaults to True. :param end_delimiter: when True the encoder will print the grammar's delimiter (e.g. ';' for PVL) after each statement, when False it won't. Defaults to True. :param newline: is the string that will be placed at the end of each 'line' of output (and counts against *width*), defaults to '\\\\n'. :param group_class: must this class will be tested against with isinstance() to determine if various elements of the dict-like passed to encode() should be encoded as a PVL Group or PVL Object, defaults to PVLGroup. :param object_class: must be a class that can take a *group_class* object in its constructor (essentially converting a *group_class* to an *object_class*), otherwise will raise TypeError. Defaults to PVLObject. """ def __init__( self, grammar=None, decoder=None, indent: int = 2, width: int = 80, aggregation_end: bool = True, end_delimiter: bool = True, newline: str = "\n", group_class=PVLGroup, object_class=PVLObject, ): if grammar is None: if decoder is not None: self.grammar = decoder.grammar else: self.grammar = PVLGrammar() elif isinstance(grammar, PVLGrammar): self.grammar = grammar else: raise Exception if decoder is None: self.decoder = PVLDecoder(self.grammar) elif isinstance(decoder, PVLDecoder): self.decoder = decoder else: raise Exception self.indent = indent self.width = width self.end_delimiter = end_delimiter self.aggregation_end = aggregation_end self.newline = newline # This list of 3-tuples *always* has our own pvl quantity object, # and should *only* be added to with self.add_quantity_cls(). self.quantities = [QuantTup(Quantity, "value", "units")] self._import_quantities() if issubclass(group_class, abc.Mapping): self.grpcls = group_class else: raise TypeError("The group_class must be a Mapping type.") if issubclass(object_class, abc.Mapping): self.objcls = object_class else: raise TypeError("The object_class must be a Mapping type.") try: self.objcls(self.grpcls()) except TypeError: raise TypeError( f"The object_class type ({object_class}) cannot be " f"instantiated with an argument that is of type " f"group_class ({group_class})." ) # Finally, let's keep track of everything we consider "numerical": self.numeric_types = (int, float, self.decoder.real_cls, Decimal) def _import_quantities(self): warn_str = ( "The {} library is not present, so {} objects will " "not be properly encoded." ) try: from astropy import units as u self.add_quantity_cls(u.Quantity, "value", "unit") except ImportError: warn( warn_str.format("astropy", "astropy.units.Quantity"), ImportWarning, ) try: from pint import Quantity as q self.add_quantity_cls(q, "magnitude", "units") except ImportError: warn(warn_str.format("pint", "pint.Quantity"), ImportWarning)
[docs] def add_quantity_cls(self, cls, value_prop: str, units_prop: str): """Adds a quantity class to the list of possible quantities that this encoder can handle. :param cls: The name of a quantity class that can be tested with ``isinstance()``. :param value_prop: A string that is the property name of *cls* that contains the value or magnitude of the quantity object. :param units_prop: A string that is the property name of *cls* that contains the units element of the quantity object. """ if not isinstance(cls, type): raise TypeError(f"The cls given ({cls}) is not a Python class.") # If a quantity object can't encode "one meter" its probably not # going to work for us. test_cls = cls(1, "m") for prop in (value_prop, units_prop): if not hasattr(test_cls, prop): raise AttributeError( f"The class ({cls}) does not have an " f" attribute named {prop}." ) self.quantities.append(QuantTup(cls, value_prop, units_prop))
[docs] def format(self, s: str, level: int = 0) -> str: """Returns a string derived from *s*, which has leading space characters equal to *level* times the number of spaces specified by this encoder's indent property. It uses the textwrap library to wrap long lines. """ prefix = level * (self.indent * " ") if len(prefix + s + self.newline) > self.width and "=" in s: (preq, _, posteq) = s.partition("=") new_prefix = prefix + preq.strip() + " = " lines = textwrap.wrap( posteq.strip(), width=(self.width - len(self.newline)), replace_whitespace=False, initial_indent=new_prefix, subsequent_indent=(" " * len(new_prefix)), break_long_words=False, break_on_hyphens=False, ) return self.newline.join(lines) else: return prefix + s
[docs] def encode(self, module: abc.Mapping) -> str: """Returns a ``str`` formatted as a PVL document based on the dict-like *module* object according to the rules of this encoder. """ lines = list() lines.append(self.encode_module(module, 0)) end_line = self.grammar.end_statements[0] if self.end_delimiter: end_line += self.grammar.delimiters[0] lines.append(end_line) # Final check to ensure we're sending out the right character set: s = self.newline.join(lines) for i, c in enumerate(s): if not self.grammar.char_allowed(c): raise ValueError( "Encountered a character that was not " "a valid character according to the " 'grammar: "{}", it is in: ' '"{}"'.format(c, s[i - 5, i + 5]) ) return self.newline.join(lines)
[docs] def encode_module(self, module: abc.Mapping, level: int = 0) -> str: """Returns a ``str`` formatted as a PVL module based on the dict-like *module* object according to the rules of this encoder, with an indentation level of *level*. """ lines = list() # To align things on the equals sign, just need to normalize # the non-aggregation key length: non_agg_key_lengths = list() for k, v in module.items(): if not isinstance(v, abc.Mapping): non_agg_key_lengths.append(len(k)) longest_key_len = max(non_agg_key_lengths, default=0) for k, v in module.items(): if isinstance(v, abc.Mapping): lines.append(self.encode_aggregation_block(k, v, level)) else: lines.append( self.encode_assignment(k, v, level, longest_key_len) ) return self.newline.join(lines)
[docs] def encode_aggregation_block( self, key: str, value: abc.Mapping, level: int = 0 ) -> str: """Returns a ``str`` formatted as a PVL Aggregation Block with *key* as its name, and its contents based on the dict-like *value* object according to the rules of this encoder, with an indentation level of *level*. """ lines = list() if isinstance(value, self.grpcls): agg_keywords = self.grammar.group_pref_keywords elif isinstance(value, abc.Mapping): agg_keywords = self.grammar.object_pref_keywords else: raise ValueError("The value {value} is not dict-like.") agg_begin = "{} = {}".format(agg_keywords[0], key) if self.end_delimiter: agg_begin += self.grammar.delimiters[0] lines.append(self.format(agg_begin, level)) lines.append(self.encode_module(value, (level + 1))) agg_end = "" if self.aggregation_end: agg_end += "{} = {}".format(agg_keywords[1], key) else: agg_end += agg_keywords[1] if self.end_delimiter: agg_end += self.grammar.delimiters[0] lines.append(self.format(agg_end, level)) return self.newline.join(lines)
[docs] def encode_assignment( self, key: str, value, level: int = 0, key_len: int = None ) -> str: """Returns a ``str`` formatted as a PVL Assignment Statement with *key* as its Parameter Name, and its value based on *value* object according to the rules of this encoder, with an indentation level of *level*. It also allows for an optional *key_len* which indicates the width in characters that the Assignment Statement should be set to, defaults to the width of *key*. """ if key_len is None: key_len = len(key) s = "" s += "{} = ".format(key.ljust(key_len)) enc_val = self.encode_value(value) if enc_val.startswith(self.grammar.quotes): # deal with quoted lines that need to preserve # newlines s = self.format(s, level) s += enc_val if self.end_delimiter: s += self.grammar.delimiters[0] return s else: s += enc_val if self.end_delimiter: s += self.grammar.delimiters[0] return self.format(s, level)
[docs] def encode_value(self, value) -> str: """Returns a ``str`` formatted as a PVL Value based on the *value* object according to the rules of this encoder. """ try: return self.encode_quantity(value) except ValueError: return self.encode_simple_value(value)
[docs] def encode_quantity(self, value) -> str: """Returns a ``str`` formatted as a PVL Value followed by a PVL Units Expression if the *value* object can be encoded this way, otherwise raise ValueError.""" for (cls, v_prop, u_prop) in self.quantities: if isinstance(value, cls): return self.encode_value_units( getattr(value, v_prop), getattr(value, u_prop) ) raise ValueError( f"The value object {value} could not be " "encoded as a PVL Value followed by a PVL " f"Units Expression, it is of type {type(value)}" )
[docs] def encode_value_units(self, value, units) -> str: """Returns a ``str`` formatted as a PVL Value from *value* followed by a PVL Units Expressions from *units*.""" value_str = self.encode_simple_value(value) units_str = self.encode_units(str(units)) return f"{value_str} {units_str}"
[docs] def encode_simple_value(self, value) -> str: """Returns a ``str`` formatted as a PVL Simple Value based on the *value* object according to the rules of this encoder. """ if value is None: return self.grammar.none_keyword elif isinstance(value, (set, frozenset)): return self.encode_set(value) elif isinstance(value, list): return self.encode_sequence(value) elif isinstance( value, (datetime.datetime,, datetime.time) ): return self.encode_datetype(value) elif isinstance(value, bool): if value: return self.grammar.true_keyword else: return self.grammar.false_keyword elif isinstance(value, self.numeric_types): return str(value) elif isinstance(value, str): return self.encode_string(value) else: raise TypeError(f"{value!r} is not serializable.")
[docs] def encode_setseq(self, values: abc.Collection) -> str: """This function provides shared functionality for encode_sequence() and encode_set(). """ return ", ".join([self.encode_value(v) for v in values])
[docs] def encode_sequence(self, value: abc.Sequence) -> str: """Returns a ``str`` formatted as a PVL Sequence based on the *value* object according to the rules of this encoder. """ return "(" + self.encode_setseq(value) + ")"
[docs] def encode_set(self, value: abc.Set) -> str: """Returns a ``str`` formatted as a PVL Set based on the *value* object according to the rules of this encoder. """ return "{" + self.encode_setseq(value) + "}"
[docs] def encode_datetype(self, value) -> str: """Returns a ``str`` formatted as a PVL Date/Time based on the *value* object according to the rules of this encoder. If *value* is not a datetime date, time, or datetime object, it will raise TypeError. """ if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime): return self.encode_datetime(value) elif isinstance(value, return self.encode_date(value) elif isinstance(value, datetime.time): return self.encode_time(value) else: raise TypeError(f"{value!r} is not a datetime type.")
[docs] @staticmethod def encode_date(value: -> str: """Returns a ``str`` formatted as a PVL Date based on the *value* object according to the rules of this encoder. """ return f"{value:%Y-%m-%d}"
[docs] @staticmethod def encode_time(value: datetime.time) -> str: """Returns a ``str`` formatted as a PVL Time based on the *value* object according to the rules of this encoder. """ s = f"{value:%H:%M}" if value.microsecond: s += f":{value:%S.%f}" elif value.second: s += f":{value:%S}" return s
[docs] def encode_datetime(self, value: datetime.datetime) -> str: """Returns a ``str`` formatted as a PVL Date/Time based on the *value* object according to the rules of this encoder. """ date = self.encode_date(value) time = self.encode_time(value) return date + "T" + time
[docs] def needs_quotes(self, s: str) -> bool: """Returns true if *s* must be quoted according to this encoder's grammar, false otherwise. """ if any(c in self.grammar.whitespace for c in s): return True if s in self.grammar.reserved_keywords: return True tok = Token(s, grammar=self.grammar, decoder=self.decoder) return not tok.is_unquoted_string()
[docs] def encode_string(self, value) -> str: """Returns a ``str`` formatted as a PVL String based on the *value* object according to the rules of this encoder. """ s = str(value) if self.needs_quotes(s): for q in self.grammar.quotes: if q not in s: return q + s + q else: raise ValueError( "All of the quote characters, " f"{self.grammar.quotes}, were in the " f'string ("{s}"), so it could not be quoted.' ) else: return s
[docs] def encode_units(self, value: str) -> str: """Returns a ``str`` formatted as a PVL Units Value based on the *value* object according to the rules of this encoder. """ return ( self.grammar.units_delimiters[0] + value + self.grammar.units_delimiters[1] )
[docs]class ODLEncoder(PVLEncoder): """An encoder based on the rules in the PDS3 Standards Reference (version 3.8, 27 Feb 2009) Chapter 12: Object Description Language Specification and Usage for ODL only. This is almost certainly not what you want. There are very rarely cases where you'd want to use ODL that you wouldn't also want to use the PDS Label restrictions, so you probably really want the PDSLabelEncoder class, not this one. Move along. It extends PVLEncoder. :param grammar: defaults to pvl.grammar.ODLGrammar(). :param decoder: defaults to pvl.decoder.ODLDecoder(). :param end_delimiter: defaults to False. :param newline: defaults to '\\\\r\\\\n'. """ def __init__( self, grammar=None, decoder=None, indent=2, width=80, aggregation_end=True, end_delimiter=False, newline="\r\n", group_class=PVLGroup, object_class=PVLObject ): if grammar is None: grammar = ODLGrammar() if decoder is None: decoder = ODLDecoder(grammar) if not callable(getattr(decoder, "is_identifier", None)): raise TypeError( f"The decoder for an ODLEncoder() must have the " f"is_identifier() function, and this does not: {decoder}" ) super().__init__( grammar, decoder, indent, width, aggregation_end, end_delimiter, newline, group_class=group_class, object_class=object_class )
[docs] def encode(self, module: abc.Mapping) -> str: """Extends parent function, but ODL requires that there must be a spacing or format character after the END statement and this adds the encoder's ``newline`` sequence. """ s = super().encode(module) return s + self.newline
[docs] def is_scalar(self, value) -> bool: """Returns a boolean indicating whether the *value* object qualifies as an ODL 'scalar_value'. ODL defines a 'scalar-value' as a numeric_value, a date_time_string, a text_string_value, or a symbol_value. For Python, these correspond to the following: * numeric_value: any of self.numeric_types, and Quantity whose value is one of the self.numeric_types. * date_time_string: datetime objects * text_string_value: str * symbol_value: str """ for quant in self.quantities: if isinstance(value, quant.cls): if isinstance( getattr(value, quant.value_prop), self.numeric_types ): return True scalar_types = ( *self.numeric_types,, datetime.datetime, datetime.time, str ) if isinstance(value, scalar_types): return True return False
[docs] def is_symbol(self, value) -> bool: """Returns true if *value* is an ODL Symbol String, false otherwise. An ODL Symbol String is enclosed by single quotes and may not contain any of the following characters: 1. The apostrophe, which is reserved as the symbol string delimiter. 2. ODL Format Effectors 3. Control characters This means that an ODL Symbol String is a subset of the PVL quoted string, and will be represented in Python as a ``str``. """ if isinstance(value, str): if "'" in value: # Item 1 return False for fe in self.grammar.format_effectors: # Item 2 if fe in value: return False if len(value) > self.width / 2: # This means that the string is long and it is very # likely to get wrapped and have carriage returns, # and thus "ODL Format Effectors" inserted later. # Unfortunately, without knowing the width of the # parameter term, and the current indent level, this # still may end up being incorrect threshhold. return False if value.isprintable() and len(value) > 0: # Item 3 return True else: return False
[docs] def needs_quotes(self, s: str) -> bool: """Return true if *s* is an ODL Identifier, false otherwise. Overrides parent function. """ return not self.decoder.is_identifier(s)
[docs] def is_assignment_statement(self, s) -> bool: """Returns true if *s* is an ODL Assignment Statement, false otherwise. An ODL Assignment Statement is either an element_identifier or a namespace_identifier joined to an element_identifier with a colon. """ if self.decoder.is_identifier(s): return True (ns, _, el) = s.partition(":") if self.decoder.is_identifier(ns) and self.decoder.is_identifier(el): return True return False
[docs] def encode_assignment(self, key, value, level=0, key_len=None) -> str: """Overrides parent function by restricting the length of keywords and enforcing that they be ODL Identifiers and uppercasing their characters. """ if key_len is None: key_len = len(key) if len(key) > 30: raise ValueError( "ODL keywords must be 30 characters or less " f"in length, this one is longer: {key}" ) if ( key.startswith("^") and self.is_assignment_statement(key[1:]) ) or self.is_assignment_statement(key): ident = key.upper() else: raise ValueError( f'The keyword "{key}" is not a valid ODL ' "Identifier." ) s = "{} = ".format(ident.ljust(key_len)) s += self.encode_value(value) if self.end_delimiter: s += self.grammar.delimiters[0] return self.format(s, level)
[docs] def encode_sequence(self, value) -> str: """Extends parent function, as ODL only allows one- and two-dimensional sequences of ODL scalar_values. """ if len(value) == 0: raise ValueError("ODL does not allow empty Sequences.") for v in value: # check the first dimension (list of elements) if isinstance(v, list): for i in v: # check the second dimension (list of lists) if isinstance(i, list): # Shouldn't be lists of lists of lists. raise ValueError( "ODL only allows one- and two- " "dimensional Sequences, but " f"this has more: {value}" ) elif not self.is_scalar(i): raise ValueError( "ODL only allows scalar_values " f"within sequences: {v}" ) elif not self.is_scalar(v): raise ValueError( "ODL only allows scalar_values within " f"sequences: {v}" ) return super().encode_sequence(value)
[docs] def encode_set(self, values) -> str: """Extends parent function, ODL only allows sets to contain scalar values. """ if not all(map(self.is_scalar, values)): raise ValueError( f"ODL only allows scalar values in sets: {values}" ) return super().encode_set(values)
[docs] def encode_value(self, value): """Extends parent function by only allowing Units Expressions for numeric values. """ for quant in self.quantities: if isinstance(value, quant.cls): if isinstance( getattr(value, quant.value_prop), self.numeric_types ): return super().encode_value(value) else: raise ValueError( "Unit expressions are only allowed " f"following numeric values: {value}" ) return super().encode_value(value)
[docs] def encode_string(self, value): """Extends parent function by appropriately quoting Symbol Strings. """ if self.decoder.is_identifier(value): return value elif self.is_symbol(value): return "'" + value + "'" else: return super().encode_string(value)
[docs] def encode_time(self, value: datetime.time) -> str: """Extends parent function since ODL allows a time zone offset from UTC to be included, and otherwise recommends that times be suffixed with a 'Z' to clearly indicate that they are in UTC. """ if value.tzinfo is None: raise ValueError( f"ODL cannot output local times, and this time does not " f"have a timezone offset: {value}" ) t = super().encode_time(value) if value.utcoffset() == datetime.timedelta(): return t + "Z" else: td_str = str(value.utcoffset()) (h, m, s) = td_str.split(":") if s != "00": raise ValueError( "The datetime value had a timezone offset " f"with seconds values ({value}) which is " "not allowed in ODL." ) if m == "00": return t + f"+{h:0>2}" else: return t + f"+{h:0>2}:{m}" return t
[docs] def encode_units(self, value) -> str: """Overrides parent function since ODL limits what characters and operators can be present in Units Expressions. """ # if self.is_identifier(value.strip('*/()-')): if self.decoder.is_identifier(re.sub(r"[\s*/()-]", "", value)): if "**" in value: exponents = re.findall(r"\*\*.+?", value) for e in exponents: if"\*\*-?\d+", e) is None: raise ValueError( "The exponentiation operator (**) in " f'this Units Expression "{value}" ' "is not a decimal integer." ) return ( self.grammar.units_delimiters[0] + value + self.grammar.units_delimiters[1] ) else: raise ValueError( f'The value, "{value}", does not conform to ' "the specification for an ODL Units Expression." )
[docs]class PDSLabelEncoder(ODLEncoder): """An encoder based on the rules in the PDS3 Standards Reference (version 3.8, 27 Feb 2009) Chapter 12: Object Description Language Specification and Usage and writes out labels that conform to the PDS 3 standards. It extends ODLEncoder. You are not allowed to chose *end_delimiter* or *newline* as the parent class allows, because to be PDS-compliant, those are fixed choices. However, in some cases, the PDS3 Standards are asymmetric, allowing for a wider variety of PVL-text on "read" and a more narrow variety of PVL-text on "write". The default values of the PDSLabelEncoder enforce those strict "write" rules, but if you wish to alter them, but still produce PVL-text that would validate against the PDS3 standard, you may alter them. :param convert_group_to_object: Defaults to True, meaning that if a GROUP does not conform to the PDS definition of a GROUP, then it will be written out as an OBJECT. If it is False, then an exception will be thrown if incompatible GROUPs are encountered. In PVL and ODL, the OBJECT and GROUP aggregations are interchangeable, but the PDS applies restrictions to what can appear in a GROUP. :param tab_replace: Defaults to 4 and indicates the number of space characters to replace horizontal tab characters with (since tabs aren't allowed in PDS labels). If this is set to zero, tabs will not be replaced with spaces. :param symbol_single_quotes: Defaults to True, and if a Python `str` object qualifies as a PVL Symbol String, it will be written to PVL-text as a single-quoted string. If False, no special handling is done, and any PVL Symbol String will be treated as a PVL Text String, which is typically enclosed with double-quotes. :param time_trailing_z: defaults to True, and suffixes a "Z" to datetimes and times written to PVL-text as the PDS encoding standard requires. If False, no trailing "Z" is written. """ def __init__( self, grammar=None, decoder=None, indent=2, width=80, aggregation_end=True, group_class=PVLGroup, object_class=PVLObject, convert_group_to_object=True, tab_replace=4, symbol_single_quote=True, time_trailing_z=True, ): if grammar is None: grammar = PDSGrammar() if decoder is None: decoder = PDSLabelDecoder(grammar) super().__init__( grammar, decoder, indent, width, aggregation_end, end_delimiter=False, newline="\r\n", group_class=group_class, object_class=object_class ) self.convert_group_to_object = convert_group_to_object self.tab_replace = tab_replace self.symbol_single_quote = symbol_single_quote self.time_trailing_z = time_trailing_z
[docs] def count_aggs( self, module: abc.Mapping, obj_count: int = 0, grp_count: int = 0 ) -> tuple((int, int)): """Returns the count of OBJECT and GROUP aggregations that are contained within the *module* as a two-tuple in that order. """ # This currently just counts the values in the passed # in module, it does not 'recurse' if those aggregations also # may contain aggregations. for k, v in module.items(): if isinstance(v, abc.Mapping): if isinstance(v, self.grpcls): grp_count += 1 elif isinstance(v, self.objcls): obj_count += 1 else: # We treat other dict-like Python objects as # PVL Objects for the purposes of this count, # because that is how they will be encoded. obj_count += 1 return obj_count, grp_count
[docs] def encode(self, module: abc.MutableMapping) -> str: """Extends the parent function, by adding a restriction. For PDS, if there are any GROUP elements, there must be at least one OBJECT element in the label. Behavior here depends on the value of this encoder's convert_group_to_object property. """ (obj_count, grp_count) = self.count_aggs(module) if grp_count > 0 and obj_count < 1: if self.convert_group_to_object: for k, v in module.items(): # First try to convert any GROUPs that would not # be valid PDS GROUPs. if isinstance(v, self.grpcls) and not self.is_PDSgroup(v): module[k] = self.objcls(v) break else: # Then just convert the first GROUP for k, v in module.items(): if isinstance(v, self.grpcls): module[k] = self.objcls(v) break else: raise ValueError( "Couldn't convert any of the GROUPs " "to OBJECTs." ) else: raise ValueError( "This module has a GROUP element, but no " "OBJECT elements, which is not allowed by " "the PDS. You could set " "*convert_group_to_object* to *True* on the " "encoder to try and convert a GROUP " "to an OBJECT." ) s = super().encode(module) if self.tab_replace > 0: return s.replace("\t", (" " * self.tab_replace)) else: return s
[docs] def is_PDSgroup(self, group: abc.Mapping) -> bool: """Returns true if the dict-like *group* qualifies as a PDS Group, false otherwise. PDS applies the following restrictions to GROUPS: 1. The GROUP structure may only be used in a data product label which also contains one or more data OBJECT definitions. 2. The GROUP statement must contain only attribute assignment statements, include pointers, or related information pointers (i.e., no data location pointers). If there are multiple values, a single statement must be used with either sequence or set syntax; no attribute assignment statement or pointer may be repeated. 3. GROUP statements may not be nested. 4. GROUP statements may not contain OBJECT definitions. 5. Only PSDD elements may appear within a GROUP statement. *PSDD is not defined anywhere in the PDS document, so don't know how to test for it.* 6. The keyword contents associated with a specific GROUP identifier must be identical across all labels of a single data set (with the exception of the “PARAMETERS” GROUP, as explained). Use of the GROUP structure must be coordinated with the responsible PDS discipline Node. Items 1 & 6 and the final sentence above, can't really be tested by examining a single group, but must be dealt with in a larger context. The ODLEncoder.encode_module() handles #1, at least. You're on your own for the other two issues. Item 5: *PSDD* is not defined anywhere in the ODL PDS document, so don't know how to test for it. """ (obj_count, grp_count) = self.count_aggs(group) # Items 3 and 4: if obj_count != 0 or grp_count != 0: return False # Item 2, no data location pointers: for k, v in group.items(): if k.startswith("^"): if isinstance(v, int): return False else: for quant in self.quantities: if isinstance(v, quant.cls) and isinstance( getattr(v, quant.value_prop), int ): return False # Item 2, no repeated keys: keys = list(group.keys()) if len(keys) != len(set(keys)): return False return True
[docs] def encode_aggregation_block(self, key, value, level=0): """Extends parent function because PDS has restrictions on what may be in a GROUP. If the encoder's *convert_group_to_object* parameter is True, and a GROUP does not conform to the PDS definition of a GROUP, then it will be written out as an OBJECT. If it is False, then an exception will be thrown. """ # print('value at top:') # print(value) if isinstance(value, self.grpcls) and not self.is_PDSgroup(value): if self.convert_group_to_object: value = self.objcls(value) else: raise ValueError( "This GROUP element is not a valid PDS " "GROUP. You could set " "*convert_group_to_object* to *True* on the " "encoder to try and convert the GROUP" "to an OBJECT." ) # print('value at bottom:') # print(value) return super().encode_aggregation_block(key, value, level)
[docs] def encode_set(self, values) -> str: """Extends parent function because PDS only allows symbol values and integers within sets. """ for v in values: if not self.is_symbol(v) and not isinstance(v, int): raise ValueError( "The PDS only allows integers and symbols " f"in sets: {values}" ) return super().encode_set(values)
[docs] def encode_string(self, value): """Extends parent function to treat Symbol Strings as Text Strings, which typically means that they are double-quoted and not single-quoted. """ if self.decoder.is_identifier(value): return value elif self.is_symbol(value) and self.symbol_single_quote: return "'" + value + "'" else: return super(ODLEncoder, self).encode_string(value)
[docs] def encode_time(self, value: datetime.time) -> str: """Overrides parent's encode_time() function because even though ODL allows for timezones, PDS does not. Not in the section on times, but at the end of the PDS ODL document, in section 12.7.3, para 14, it indicates that alternate time zones may not be used in a PDS label, only these: 1. YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSS. 2. YYYY-DDDTHH:MM:SS.SSS. """ s = f"{value:%H:%M}" if value.microsecond: ms = round(value.microsecond / 1000) if value.microsecond != ms * 1000: raise ValueError( f"PDS labels can only encode time values to the milisecond " f"precision, and this time ({value}) has too much " f"precision." ) else: s += f":{value:%S}.{ms}" elif value.second: s += f":{value:%S}" if ( value.tzinfo is None or value.tzinfo.utcoffset(None) == datetime.timedelta(0) ): if self.time_trailing_z: return s + "Z" else: return s else: raise ValueError( "PDS labels should only have UTC times, but " f"this time has a timezone: {value}" )
[docs]class ISISEncoder(PVLEncoder): """An encoder for writing PVL text that can be parsed by the ISIS PVL text parser. The ISIS3 implementation (as of 3.9) of PVL/ODL (like) does not strictly follow any of the published standards. It was based on PDS3 ODL from the 1990s, but has several extensions adopted from existing and prior data sets from ISIS2, PDS, JAXA, ISRO, ..., and extensions used only within ISIS files (cub, net). This is one of the reasons using ISIS cube files or PVL text written by ISIS as an archive format has been strongly discouraged. Since there is no specification, only a detailed analysis of the ISIS software that parses and writes its PVL text would yield a strategy for parsing it. This encoder is most likely the least reliable for that reason. We welcome bug reports to help extend our coverage of this flavor of PVL text. :param grammar: defaults to pvl.grammar.ISISGrammar(). :param decoder: defaults to pvl.decoder.PVLDecoder(). :param end_delimiter: defaults to False. :param newline: defaults to '\\\\n'. """ def __init__( self, grammar=None, decoder=None, indent=2, width=80, aggregation_end=True, end_delimiter=False, newline="\n", group_class=PVLGroup, object_class=PVLObject ): if grammar is None: grammar = ISISGrammar() if decoder is None: decoder = PVLDecoder(grammar) super().__init__( grammar, decoder, indent, width, aggregation_end, end_delimiter, newline, group_class=group_class, object_class=object_class )