Quantities: Values and Units

The PVL specifications supports the notion that PVL Value Expressions can contain an optional PVL Units Expression that follows the PVL Value. This combination of information: a value followed by a unit can be represented by a single object that we might call a quantity.

There is no fundamental Python object type that represents a value and the units of that value. However, libraries like astropy and pint have implemented “quantity” objects (and managed to name them both Quantity, but they have slightly different interfaces). In order to avoid optional dependencies, the pvl library provides the pvl.collections.Quantity class, implemented as a collections.namedtuple with a value and a unit parameter. However, the unit parameter is just a string and so the pvl quantity objects doesn’t have the super-powers that the astropy and pint quntity objects do.

By default, this means that when PVL text is parsed by pvl.load() or pvl.loads() and when a PVL Value followed by a PVL Units Expression is encountered, a pvl.collections.Quantity object will be placed in the returned dict-like.

Likewise when pvl.dump() or pvl.dumps() encounters a pvl.collections.Quantity its value and units will be serialized with the right PVL syntax.

However, the pvl library also supports the use of other quantity objects.

Getting other quantity objects from PVL text

In order to get the parsing side of the pvl library to return a particular kind of quantity object when a PVL Value followed by a PVL Units Expression is found, you must pass the name of that quantity class to the decoder’s quantity_cls argument. This quantity class’s constructor must take two arguments, where the first will receive the PVL Value (as whatever Python type pvl determines it to be) and the second will receive the PVL Units Expression (as a str).

Examples of how to do this with pvl.load() or pvl.loads() are below for astropy and pint.

Depending on the PVL text that you are parsing, and the quantity class that you are using, you may get errors if the quantity class can’t accept the PVL Units Expression, or if the value part of the quantity class can’t handle all of the possible types of PVL Values (which can be Simple Values, Sets, or Sequences).

Writing out other quantity objects to PVL text

In order to get the encoding side of the pvl library to write out the correct kind of PVL text based on some quantity object is more difficult due to the wide variety of ways that quantity objects are written in 3rd party libaries. At this time, the pvl library can properly encode pvl.collecitons.Quantity, astropy.units.Quantity, and pint.Quantity objects (or objects that pass an isinstance() test for those objects). Any other kind of quantity object in the data structure passed to pvl.dump() or pvl.dumps() will just be encoded as a string.

Other types are possible, but require additions to the encoder in use. The astropy.units.Quantity object is already handled by the pvl library, but if it wasn’t, this is how you would enable it. You just need the class name, the name of the property on the class that yields the value or magnitude (for astropy.units.Quantity that is value), and the property that yields the units (for astropy.units.Quantity that is unit). With those pieces in hand, we just need to instantiate an encoder and add the new quantity class and the names of those properties to it, and then pass it to pvl.dump() or pvl.dumps() as follows:

>>> import pvl
>>> from astropy import units as u
>>> my_label = dict(length=u.Quantity(15, u.m), velocity=u.Quantity(0.5, u.m / u.s))
>>> my_encoder = pvl.PDSLabelEncoder()
>>> my_encoder.add_quantity_cls(u.Quantity, 'value', 'unit')
>>> print(pvl.dumps(my_label, encoder=my_encoder))
LENGTH   = 15.0 <m>
VELOCITY = 0.5 <m / s>


The Astropy Project has classes for handing Units and Quantities.

The astropy.units.Quantity object can be returned in the data structure returned from pvl.load() or pvl.loads(). Here is an example:

>>> import pvl
>>> pvl_text = "length = 42 <m/s>"
>>> regular = pvl.loads(pvl_text)
>>> print(regular['length'])
Quantity(value=42, units='m/s')
>>> print(type(regular['length']))
<class 'pvl.collections.Quantity'>

>>> from pvl.decoder import OmniDecoder
>>> from astropy import units as u
>>> w_astropy = pvl.loads(pvl_text, decoder=OmniDecoder(quantity_cls=u.Quantity))
>>> print(w_astropy)
  ('length', <Quantity 42. m / s>)
>>> print(type(w_astropy['length']))
<class 'astropy.units.quantity.Quantity'>

However, in our example file and in other files you may parse, the units may be in upper case (e.g. KM, M), and by default, astropy will not recognize the name of these units. It will raise a handy exception, which, in turn, will be raised as a pvl.parser.QuantityError that will look like this:

pvl.parser.QuantityError: 'KM' did not parse as unit: At col
0, KM is not a valid unit. Did you mean klm or km? If this is
meant to be a custom unit, define it with 'u.def_unit'. To have
it recognized inside a file reader or other code, enable it
with 'u.add_enabled_units'. For details, see

So, in order to parse our file, do this:

>>> import pvl
>>> from pvl.decoder import OmniDecoder
>>> from astropy import units as u
>>> pvl_file = 'tests/data/pds3/units1.lbl'
>>> km_upper = u.def_unit('KM', u.km)
>>> m_upper = u.def_unit('M', u.m)
>>> u.add_enabled_units([km_upper, m_upper])  
<astropy.units.core._UnitContext object at ...
>>> label = pvl.load(pvl_file, decoder=OmniDecoder(quantity_cls=u.Quantity))
>>> print(label)
  ('FLOAT_UNIT', <Quantity 0.414 KM>)
  ('INT_UNIT', <Quantity 4. M>)
>>> print(type(label['FLOAT_UNIT']))
<class 'astropy.units.quantity.Quantity'>

Similarly, astropy.units.Quantity objects can be encoded to PVL text by pvl.dump() or pvl.dumps() without any particular special handling. Here is an example:

>>> import pvl
>>> from astropy import units as u
>>> my_label = dict(length=u.Quantity(15, u.m), velocity=u.Quantity(0.5, u.m / u.s))
>>> print(pvl.dumps(my_label))
LENGTH   = 15.0 <m>
VELOCITY = 0.5 <m / s>


The Pint library also deals with quantities.

The pint.Quantity object can also be returned in the data structure returned from pvl.load() or pvl.loads() if you would prefer to use those objects. Here is an example:

>>> import pvl
>>> pvl_text = "length = 42 <m/s>"
>>> from pvl.decoder import OmniDecoder
>>> import pint
>>> w_pint = pvl.loads(pvl_text, decoder=OmniDecoder(quantity_cls=pint.Quantity))
>>> print(w_pint)
  ('length', <Quantity(42, 'meter / second')>)
>>> print(type(w_pint['length']))
<class 'pint.quantity.Quantity'>

Just as with astropy.units.Quantity, pint.Quantity doesn’t recognize the upper case units, and will raise an error like this:

pint.errors.UndefinedUnitError: 'KM' is not defined in the unit registry

So, in order to parse our file with uppercase units, you can create a units definition file to add aliases and units to the pint ‘registry’. When doing this programmatically note that if you define a registry on-the-fly, you must use the registry’s Quantity to the quantity_cls argument:

>>> import pvl
>>> from pvl.decoder import OmniDecoder
>>> import pint
>>> ureg = pint.UnitRegistry()
>>> ureg.define('kilo- = 1000 = K- = k-')
>>> ureg.define('@alias meter = M')
>>> pvl_file = 'tests/data/pds3/units1.lbl'
>>> label = pvl.load(pvl_file, decoder=OmniDecoder(quantity_cls=ureg.Quantity))
>>> print(label)
  ('FLOAT_UNIT', <Quantity(0.414, 'kilometer')>)
  ('INT_UNIT', <Quantity(4, 'meter')>)
>>> print(type(label['FLOAT_UNIT']))
<class 'pint.quantity.build_quantity_class.<locals>.Quantity'>

Similarly, pint.Quantity objects can be encoded to PVL text by pvl.dump() or pvl.dumps():

>>> import pvl
>>> import pint
>>> ureg = pint.UnitRegistry()
>>> dist = 15 * ureg.m
>>> vel = 0.5 * ureg.m / ureg.second
>>> my_label = dict(length=dist, velocity=vel)
>>> print(pvl.dumps(my_label))
LENGTH   = 15 <meter>
VELOCITY = 0.5 <meter / second>